What is a lek

The word lek is a Swedish word describing an area or location where “matrimonial events” of animals take place. This is a place where two or more males gather to display for females, hoping to share their genes. Many species of animals, from insects to birds display lek behaviors.

The Bare-Necked Umbrellabird lek area has been described as an “exploded” lek due to the distances in which the display areas are from each other. While some species gather in tight groups during the lek process, male Bare-Necked Umbrellabirds set up favorite lek perching areas 20 to 75 meters apart. The males do however keep a close eye on each other just in case a female happens by. See About Males for a more detailed description of male lek behaviors.

Climate change will no doubt have a strong effect on many species in the coming years, with the Umbrellabird particularly vulnerable due to their critically low numbers and sparse distribution even within suitable habitats.

Like so many species, the Bare-Necked Umbrellabird is in serious danger of extinction due to loss of habitat caused by deforestation. to make way for banana plantations and cattle farming.  

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